this is some kind of encouraging movie, although i don`t know much about the american football.
and the accident of airplane crash make me associate it with the same accident of FC Manchester United decades of years ago.
in a word, this movie can incarnate the spirit of america,that is all.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
We Are Marshall(2006)
风味绝佳Sugar & spice: Fûmi zekka(2006)
i don`t think this is a good movie actually, although the male lead (柳乐优弥Yûya Yagira) in this movie won the youngest best male protagonist in the movie festival of Gana,which in fact let me doubt the discernment and savor of judgement of this small french city.i think the boy`s performence is very mediocre,just as the movie itself.
the director is 中江功Isamu Nakae,i once watched another of his movie named (冷静与热情之间)Reisei to jônetsu no aida,i also don`t think it is a good movie, except for the nice landscape of italy(maybe the city of milan, if i didn`t wrongly remember it)and the handsomeness of 竹野内丰Takenouchi Yutaka.
and the heroine of this movie(泽尻绘里香Erika Sawajiri) is beautiful,according with my taste.
a good documentary movie,which is talked about the culture of the places(mainly about the city of suzhou) around the Yangchen is interesting,it mentioned about the fascinating things such as the Dazha crab,eight utensils for eating crabs,etc. after watching this video,i can not help slavering for eating the crab,so i miss home again, if i was at home,in wenzhou instead of hongkong, i can eat anything i like.
8:21 AM
also a good documentary movie,talking about the wildlife of okavango,which is a huge swamp locating in south africa. the scenes of this movie is spectacular and majestic,it is amazing that in this place there are so many animals surviving and breeding.
very good video,it is being worthy of the work of national geographic channel.
6:26 AM
i used to see this documentary movie of national geographic channel before,so this is the second time to see it,but it is nice, so i do not think this is wasting time。
it talked about the rainforest of an island located in panama.
a nice movie,deserve to admire the view.
5:28 AM
the third one, not a bad movie.chasing,chasing,chasing,this is the most impression point which the whole series of The Bourne gave me,and actually, in my eyes,the chasing scenes are the marrow of this movie series,some of this scenes are really
amazing.and of course, the landscapes of the whole europe is the other good point.
righteousness will eventually surmount the evil,this motif seems to be the eternal ending of this kind of movies,which is a little bit of boring.
anyway,it is the ultimate event,not bad,i suppose.
this sequel is good, but not as good as the first one.of course the background music is nice,just as the first movie.but you know, the story was not as attractive as the fist one,but anyway, this sequel is not bad, i can not say that it was a wretched sequel to an excellent fact, this is one of the best sequels that i have seen.
and i have to mention the places involved in this movie,italy,russia,france,germany,holland,the whole environment is wider than the first one, but the scenery in this movie gave me not as good impression as the first one,it is some kind of gloomy and sombre,comparing to the sunbeam and lightness of the first one,especially the coda of the movie:the lovely island of the Mediterranean Sea,the sunshine, the beach and the sea breeze.