it is a good documentary which let me understand the condition of Kurdish people, now i can say that it was the Britain who caused the problem of Kurdistan through the treatypact of Lausanne after the WW I,just as they creatd the embroilment of Kashmir between India and Pakistan.
and i really had sympathy for the Kurdish people,they are brave guys who fight for the freedom and independence of their nationality,and i consider the Kurdistan in the nature of things should become a free country,i support them,i hope they will rub the lamp oneday
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
10:32 AM
i am really moved by this documentary,very good! it talked about the three countries of Arabian Peninsula--Yemen、Oman and Saudi Arabia.i am shocked by the sharp contrast of these arabian countries,definitely polarized!
the Saudi Arabia is so rich because of exporting their oil,comparing to the beggarliness of Yemen and Oman.i suppose maybe this is one of the destabilizing factors in the Arabia world.
and i suppose the rich Arabic countries such as Saudi Arabia or Kuwait are squandering and lavishing their easily-got money, the cities like dubai are totally an elysium of sumptuosity.but i don`t think these countries have the aggressiveness,they don`t take precautions before it is too late,because the oil will be eventually exhausted,what will they do then? returning to the desert and grazing their camels?i think these countries should draw lessons from their antagonistic neighbor--Israel, because Israel`s geographical conditions are very like Saudi Arabia,except he has no oil,so maybe fifty years later Saudi Arabia will be another geographical Israel.
9:01 AM