a very good documentary produced by New Zealand introducing the life of native people in the Arctic Pole ,and also talking about the scientific research and wildlife in antarctic pole.
when i saw the scenes that the Eskimo peoples expressed their happiness by singing and dancing to celebrate their whale fishery,i had complicated emotions.i knew it`s part of their culture of autochthonism,but when i saw the tremendous body of the whale lying on the glacial beach,i felt it was a disgraceful behavior.
and when i saw the local people showing off their corpulency and warm coats which were made by killing dozens of arctic foxes or polar bears,i really felt silk.i don`t care whether it was their damn cultures or customs,they just can`t kill those animals because it is 2007 AD,not the barbarous world anymore.
one Eskimo guy said:without killing whales and polar bears,we will simple have nothing. i definitely know what he said is true,but in the position of protecting the wildlife and biological chain,i suppose they should stop doing these,i suppose there is always something that could be used as a substitute for killing whales if they change their notions.
if the Eskimo people have the warrants of whale fishing,the japanese killed whales just for commercial profit,and the japan is always the largest whale fishing countries in the world,and they are still dissatisfy and want to double the quota of whales,the action of this nation is disgusting.they are rich,they don`t need killing whales to get food and clothes,but they still continue killing this lovely animal.
Monday, November 12, 2007
[Natural History.冰雪世界].Ice Worlds Ep2.Polar People
11:36 PM
a good movie, but couldn`t give me a deep shock in heart. talking about the Nazi`s atrocities is the subject of this movie,just as Schindler's List,or those kinds of film. but as i said, 《Schindler's List》 or 《Vita è bella, La》 ,even 《Malena》 could really gave me indelible impressions,this movie could not,so i don`t think it`s good enough.
this documentary talked about the people living in Syria and Jordan,especially focus on several families living near the Golan Heights.
a good documentary,but i think the NHK seems partial attitude of Arabians in the events of The Arab-Israeli confrontation,i think it`s not fair for Israel and the Jews.
9:36 AM
the grade of this movie in mtime is very high,i don`t know why,maybe the poster of this film above give spectators a good feeling,so the primary impression in their brain changed into the high score in the internet.
the poster remind me a movie of Shunji Iwai named Picnic,i mean the feeling of two movies are alike,some kinds of actuality mixing with a little transience.
but i don`t think this movie is good enough, at least it don`t deserve the score of 8.5/10.
this documentary talked about the layfolk`s situation in the countries of Central Asia,mainly focus on some ethnic groups in Kazakhstan,such as the Chechnya、the Korean and the Kazakh people,etc.most of the koreans were forced to migrate from the areas of Vladivostock to Kazakhstan during the tyrannic period of Stalin;and most of the Chechnyas were the people who wanted to evade the war between Grozny and Moscow,so they became the fugitives living in Kazakhstan; As regards the Kazakh people,they were those people who couldn`t endure the despotic rule of Stalin,so they escaped to Xinjiang (Uygur Autonomous Region of China),and until recently they went back to Kazakhstan because now their motherland were an independent country, not a part of Soviet Union anymore.
the works of NHK always have a visual angle of unemotionality and recollectedness which gives me an impressive neurogram,they just let spectators take stock by themselves.
4:12 AM
this documentary talks about the educated urban youths go and work in the countryside or mountain areas in the culture revolution.most of the interviewees are the Beijing educated youths,they are all at least middlescents,some of them even looks very elderly which i suppose is because of the painstaiking days in the past.
i like the documentaries produced by NHK,especially those talked about the past and current situation of China.i think their opinions are equitable and objective and not extreme,because they just interviewed those person involved or implicated in the big events,normally the NHK didn`t give their own perspective.
when i watch the programmes talked about that stretch of communism history,i always feel sad,i think it is the silly communism bane China and the world, it is just like a bedlamite who was the suscept of hyposkeocytosis.
in 1919,the chinese intelligentsia felt despairing about the stratocracy of the Northern Warlords,just like a Desperate Housewife didn`t like her wicked husband,at that time, The October Revolution of Russia brought into the Marxism-Leninism which was just like a playboy speaking flowery and deceiving words,such as Our ultimate aim is to bring about a communist society;Down with feudalism and imperialism,etc--just like lovers' vows: i will save you from abyss of despair,and give you a warm home and hopeful future. so this woman started pursuing this illusory engagement with no turning back.she was naive and fallible because she had dark days in past hundred years,although she had a proud civilization in past thousands years.someone may say that at that time chinese intelligentsia had no alternative but to accept the Marxism,but i suppose this is some kinds of "a hungry person is not picky or choosy".
4:12 AM