Saturday, November 10, 2007

John Leighton Stuart

couldn`t go to sleep, so i get up and travel in the internet, and find an article talking about the life of John Leighton Stuart,i am really moved after reading this essay.
John Leighton Stuart,you can say that he is definately an american, but he spent most of his life in china and dedicated himself to my country.nowadays many people talk about Norman Bethune,but few people really know John Leighton Stuart,i suppose this is because of chairman mao`s famous essay named"goodby,Leighton Stuart" which made most chinese thought that Leighton Stuart is an enemy,not a friend. it is really a pity,not pity for Leighton Stuart,but for the chinese people because of their wrong discernment and blindly adoration of mao ze dong.

here is that article: